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Hydro-Pneumatic System (HPN)

HPN system consists of a pressure pump and a pressure tank. The pressure tank consists of a rubber bladder which is surrounded by pressurized air because of the non-compressible nature of water as a fluid. When you open a shower or tap knob water from this tank is utilized. When water is utilized pressure in the tank is reduced, as this is being sensed by a pressure switch which triggers a pump in ON state. Once the set pressure is achieved, the pump shuts OFF. This system works completely automatically hence reducing dependency on manpower.

This system can be classified into several types:

Tank Feeding

  • Tank Feeding Typically used to fill up different overhead tanks from one central tank. Tap Feeding Used where all the taps are supplied with pressurized water

Tap Feeding

  • Tap Feeding Used where all the taps are supplied with pressurized water

Neer Tech designs and integrates systems as per client's requirement, and based on Piping Design. Our expertise is to understand piping design and then design appropriate Pumping systems. Just because we design the system, we take care in selecting pumps, which gives the highest efficiency.